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J. Bradd Greene, CEO

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Who am I?: Within TRG, in Star Trek terms I’m #2. CEO Joe says, “make it so number 2”.

My role at TRG: Chief bottle washer… Really I do whatever needs to be done to keep the company(ies) going in the right direction. Chief Operating Officer or General Manager would be the titles that best describe my role.


My favorite TRG project: -- I remember sitting at lunch back in, well let’s just say it was in the last century, when Joe and I had our first conversation about In 2004 there were a few months where I helped out with some marketing. I officially came on board in 2011. Since then this has become my project. It has to be my favorite, because it’s like one of my kids; I’ve watched it “grow up”.


My Inspiration: People who are willing to stand for truth and what’s right.

My book recommendation: 1st The Bible. -- Raving Fans, Good to Great and How to Dress for Success are the classics that anyone who wants to be ahead of their competition should read.


Favorite activity: It doesn’t matter, as long as my wife and kids are there, I’m happy, happy,happy.


Fun fact: I am the manager of two competitive (club) youth baseball teams and usually a little league team as well. (in my free time)

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